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Modes of nutrition in living organisims with examples and pictures

Modes of nutrition in living organisims with examples and pictures

We all know that nutrition is required in all organisms. So, to acquire that nutrition different organisms have different modes. Therefore there is a classification based on mode of acquiring nutrition.

1. Autotrophic mode of nutrition: In this mode of nutrition, organisms synthesise their own food . Example: all green plants and some bacteria
Modes of nutrition in living organisims with examples and pictures

Modes of nutrition in living organisims with examples

2. Heterotrophic mode of nutrition : The organisms who derive food from other organisms comes under this category.

  Heterotrophs are further divided into 3 types :-

✓ saprotrophic  nutrition : In saprotrophic nutrition, the organisms obtains its food from dead organisms. They release digestive juices containing enzymes on the food ( dead organisms), which is broken down to simpler forms outside the body. 

✓ Parasitic nutrition: In parasitic nutrition, the parasite ( dependent organism ) lives on or inside the host ( other organism ) and obtains food from it. The parasite neither kills the host nor provides any benefit to it. Example - leeches, ticks etc.

✓ Holozoic nutrition : In Holozoic nutrition, the organism takes in the whole material without degrading them. After intake, it digests the food with the help of digestive enzymes. Then the digested food is absorbed to release energy. Example: amoeba, paramecium and higher organisms like human beings etc.


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